
Start-ups and early-stage companies, especially those attempting to commercialize technology in the life sciences and healthcare sectors, often face crippling funding gaps in the early stages, usually at the moment when financial support is needed the most.  In order to combat this often-incapacitating hurdle to the development and commercializa-tion of your technology, MJK Life Science Solutions helps to implement a proactive and targeted approach to securing the funds your business need to grow and thrive.

Whether your audience is private angel investors, venture capitalists, corporate partners, or the government–and whether you’re seeking $50K or $50M–MJK has experience reviewing, evaluating, and providing detailed reports on a wide variety of sources of development capital, ensuring that company leadership has a strategic plan for targeted pursuit of start-up and equity financing, access to any relevant intelligence in advance of introductions, and confidence that their efforts are being directed to the appropriate and best-matched partners and investors.

 For more information or to set up an appointment, contact Marc J. Kleinman:


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